Improving family relationships through emotional intelligence (EQ)

There is nothing like being surrounded by family. Blood and marriage relatives are
meant to be our closest allies, our most trusted providers of affection
and support. However, our family relationships are often clouded by
misunderstandings, hatred, fights, and bullying.
The first and most important memories we have are formed in our families,
continuing to occur there. In the absence of other methods for family harmony,
emotional intelligence (EQ) triumphs. Being attentive, accepting and always being in tune with ourselves
and others (active awareness and empathy) allows us to respond effectively to the
needs of others.

In a family, EQ helps you manage your relationships with your parents, siblings, in-laws, and
extended family by providing a sense of control over relationships. When you know how
you feel, you can’t be manipulated by other people’s emotions and you can’t blame
others for family problems if you know how you feel. The way people spend
their time nowadays varies, such as online gaming on websites like Still, it’s important to give family time to maintain a
healthy family relationship. Close relationships are based on feelings, so
most approaches to improving family ties emphasize saying what it means to you.
your loved ones.

Family contact becomes difficult without this emotional intimacy because no one
wants to spend that much time with a stranger. It must start with your honesty and
emotional openness if you want your family members to meet and lovingly embrace each other.
When you do, the following tips will turn from common sense advice into
incredibly effective ways to bring your family closer together.

Family Foundations of Emotional Intelligence

start with yourself

A family is a system of interdependent individuals, but that doesn’t mean you can
blame your birth family for who you are now. So you can blame your spouse and children
for your pleasure. Your best chance at solving any family problem is to focus on
your emotional well-being. Your family will notice that your emotional independence helps you and
the whole family. They may be quick to follow your lead if you feel you have the right and
obligation to assert your emotional demands.

Recognize that being close does not mean being identical

Family ties can sometimes obscure the distinctive character of the people we
care about. We tend to forget that when we are proud of our families. Even though
they look a lot alike, the same abilities don’t necessarily apply to you and your
siblings. Just because you are married cannot mean that you will automatically go the
way of your parents, and you cannot assume that you will spend all your free time with your spouse.

TNFamily Relations

Image Source: Family Relationship

Remember that knowing someone all your life is not the same as understanding them

It’s annoying to be introduced as someone’s little brother when you’re fifty-
five, or treated like the nerd you were when you were fourteen, even though
you’re now the CEO of your company. Don’t resort to the conversational paradise of reminiscing
when you’re with his family. Instead, by getting details and then listening with your body and
thoughts from him, you can show that you’re interested in what’s new.
Beware of destructive memories of the past

By the time you catch your 30-year-old responding to a parent in the voice of a
5-year-old, you may feel weak and frustrated. However, you don’t have to get caught up in
emotional memories if you use EQ. Instead of stressing over family issues, take a
moment to think about the memories that have shaped your behavior. There is nothing
more painful than kicking yourself for being childish to your parents or agonizing
over where you get your anger from when you attack your spouse and children.

Appreciate the life of each family member at every stage.

Aunque sabemos que es imposible, queremos sinceramente que mamá y papá sigan como
están y que los niños se queden en casa para siempre. Emocionalmente, la mejor manera de
aceptar ese hecho es abrazar el cambio. Acepte el miedo normal de sus padres a envejecer,
pero utilice su conciencia emocional y empatía para descubrir formas de atesorar este
momento por sus características únicas. ¿Qué pueden compartir tú y tus padres hoy que no
pudisteis antes? ¿Puedes seguir divirtiéndote mientras te aseguras de que todos en el sistema
de apoyo familiar se sientan valiosos y dignos, incluso si los roles y deberes deben cambiar?
Pregunte si no está seguro de qué funcionará. Aceptar tu miedo al cambio puede hacer que sea
easier to talk about topics you might have avoided in the past. Maybe your parents
are just waiting for you to say something. Change is just one of the many ways you can
improve each other in a flexible and healthy family dynamic.