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Collectively, the DUI Defense Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network are considered California’s “Recognized Leaders in DUI Defense”. The DUI Defense Lawyers of The SoCal Law Network are former “Contributing Editors” to the two-volume treatise: “California Drunk Driving Law”, often considered the “Bible of DUI Defense in California”. The DUI Attorneys of The SoCal Law Network are the “Best of the Best”. The DUI Defense “Team” consists of DUI Defense Attorneys Peter F. Iocona, Alan Castillo and Marlo Cordero. Attorneys Peter F. Iocona and Alan Castillo have both been selected as one of Orange County’s “Top-Rated Attorneys” in DUI Defense by AVVO, as published in OC Metro Magazine. The DUI Defense “Team” also consists a team of private investigators, toxicologists, pharmacologists and accident reconstruction experts in addition to a network of DUI Defense Attorneys from across the country to aid in the interstate licensing consequences that may arise for those who are charged with DUI in California but are licensed in another State.