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One World Trade Center Suite 800 Long Beach, CA 90831
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A Modest Beginning. Don Chairez is a common man of uncommon courage who has a genuine way of identifying with the struggles of others because of his own modest beginnings. He was born on September 29, 1955, in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. His father was a Korean War veteran who rose to the rank of Master Sergeant, and his mother was an immigrant from Chihuahua, Mexico. When Don was a teenager, his father died of cancer. But against those odds, Don Chairez went on to graduate summa cum laude from high school in Sacramento, California, and magna cum laude from Loma Linda University. Don married Maria Vasquez, an educator with the California Department of Education. In 1990, Don accepted a position as a Deputy District Attorney in Nevada`s Clark County. In 1994, Gov. Bob Miller appointed Don a District Court Judge. When his term expired, Don faced his first political campaign, triumphing over a respected local attorney, who was the nephew of Don`s predecessor and a member of a prominent Nevada family. In 1995, Judge Chairez stopped the Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency from seizing the property of a small business owner simply to turn it over to a large, politically connected casino, ruling this land grab was an abuse of the city`s powers of eminent domain. The Las Vegas Review-Journal hailed Judge Chairez as the “Hero of Private Property” for this courageous ruling. In his 30 years as a lawyer and a judge, Don Chairez has handled more than 90 jury trials and has presided over 25 murder trials. You deserve not only someone who has a vast and diverse legal background, but also someone with the courage and ability to stand up for your rights. Most important, Don can be trusted to fight against the Federal Government or abusive local governments when they are not giving the little guy a fair shake. Don Chairez can be trusted to fight for you.