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Springboard Recovery`s Approach to Drug and Alcohol Treatment Provides Lasting Results. Like any other life-threatening disease, addiction requires serious and immediate treatment. SpringBoard Recovery`s dedicated staff and individualized approach to substance abuse raises the standard among addiction treatment centers for alcoholism, drug addiction and co-occurring disorders. Get Help Today. Where Addiction Ends and Lives Begin. Addictions can be crippling, both inside and out. They take a physical and mental toll on our bodies that`s unmeasured. Taking action and admitting there`s a problem is the first step to effective addiction treatment in Arizona. It allows you to come to terms with where you`re at and the steps that need to be taken to get healthy again. However, far too often, we tend to take an overly optimistic mindset toward addiction treatment. We believe we can conquer our addictions on our own, or that we`re not really addicted to begin with. Both are detrimental viewpoints to successful recovery. Short-term success such as making it through detox leads many to believe long-term sobriety is within reach and can be a solo venture. In reality, they`re often just days or sometimes just hours away from a relapse. Attempting to break the cycle of addiction on your own has been best described as a “loop” or cycle that`s never-ending. No matter how bad you want it or how hard you try, as an individual, you just don`t have the resources to succeed. There`s a lot more to addiction treatment than waking up each morning and being determined to stay sober. Those feelings can fade and …